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Winner of category: Most popular micro-course: Birgitte Engebretsen

Caroline Aarvik
Publisert 03/12/2021 av Caroline Aarvik
  1. We are proud to present the winner in the category:
  2. Most popular micro-course!

The winner in this category is:

Birgitte Engebretsen


Committed, driving, innovative, structural and quality-conscious, is the words she uses to describe herself, and so has she proven herself. In her interesting case about "Innovation and work towards the next generation of technology", she as earned her spot as Norways most interesting case as micro-course.


Watch the conference here:


See the episode that made Birgitte the winner of most popular micro-course

Silvijas' talking with acting leader in the corporate market in Telenor Norway, Birgitte Engebretsen. Telenor Norway sells the digital foundation and mobile services that enable Norway's companies to be digitized. In the conversation, Silvija and Birgitte talk about Telenor Norway VS Telenor internationally - and how important digital infrastructure is, especially now that many people work from home and are dependent on being able to work digitally. Furthermore, in the conversation, Birgitte talks about innovating and delivering the next generation of technology.  



Want to challange yourself on her micro-course to? 

see if your learned something from this episode, and get a valid certificate you can add to your CV.

Try course: Click here


This is Telenor

Telenor Asa is a Norwegian majority state-owned multinational telecommunications company and is one of the world's largest mobile telecommunications companies with operations worldwide, but focused in Scandinavia and Asia. It has extensive broadband and TV distribution operations in four Nordic countries, and a 10-year-old research and business line for Machine-to-Machine technology. Telenor owns networks in 9 countries and is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and had a market capitalization in November 2015 of kr 225 billion, making it the third largest company listed on the OSE.


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